Draft Logo Project

Idea and Inspiration: For this logo I decided to cross two fishing poles with the title ‘Nicks Fishin’ Adventures’ at the top. My course topic relates to me going around Eastern Washington and fishing, so this logo relates perfect for what I am trying to accomplish.

Design Process: I wanted to include a fishing pole because I thought that would be a good way to represent what my project was representing. I decided to add the second pole to even out the logo. I looked up a cartoon fishing pole on google and based the poles I made after that. Also the text at the top of the logo is significant because because it makes it personal yet adds more professionalism to the logo. My process included using different shapes to put together my pole, I then filled all the shapes with different colors. I then added the text at the top of logo.

Technical Details: I used google to look up a cartoon fishing pole, and based the one I made off of that picture. All of my wishing pole was made of of the rectangle and the circle tool. I used the text tool to create the title at the top of the logo. I wanted to add a fish at the top of my logo, but was unsure how to create one.

4 thoughts on “Draft Logo Project

  1. Hello Nick, your initial design is awesome! I love the simplicity of it and yet it is so intriguing! Using two poles instead of only one made the whole logo seem balanced which is visually appealing. I like how you rounded the edges of your fishing pole handle to give it a more finished feel as well. I also am impressed you were able to create this whole design with only two tools! One recommendation that I have is to place a circle around the whole logo so that is easy to identify as a logo. Another recommendation that I have is to have a fish hanging down from the poles. I feel like that would give the logo a little more color and imagery which will help it look more advanced. However, I do also like your simplistic design as well. All in all, I love the design and look forward to seeing your finished product.


  2. hey nick your logo design is fantastic I like the whole idea of you surrounding your logo around your hobbies and your career. However, I think a few things I’d suggest when going back to revise is maybe to add a little more to your logo so it stands out. I’d say if you can maybe add a design to your fishing poles just to add up a little more of a sketched logo. Although I’d say seeing that you said the image was something you found inspiration off of based on the cartoon images of a fish pole, I’d say this was very good. I just think they’re a few but minor changes you can make to successfully complete the final logo. In addition, I think an area where your design is pretty strong is your two fishing poles because they just almost remind me of the pencil sketch but yet seemed switched out for the fish poles and came out successful. Lastly, one thing I’ll say to change is maybe either the font color or the font itself because one of the two is kind of throwing off your whole idea of the fish poles. Maybe choose a brighter color.


  3. I am really satisfied with the comments I received. I am happy that my classmates liked the two crossed poles, as that is my favorite part of my logo as well. Looking back at the critics I received, my favorite was that I should add some fish coming down from my poles. I think that would make my logo stand out even more and really tell people what I am trying to represent with my project. I also really like the suggestion of adding a circle around my logo and rearranging my text. In my final draft, I think I will also switch up some of the colors to make everything match better, as right now I feel like the colors are all too random. I appreciate all the feedback from my peers and will try my best to incorporate all their suggestions.


  4. Your design is cute and simple. I like the fishing poles crossing over each other, it provides good cemetery for your logo. You choose a simple image of a fishing pole which helps the audience understand what they represent even from a distance. The major critique I have is with your font and lettering. I feel like the font should be thicker and more in your face as the focal point of the logo. Right now its soft and harder to see. I would recommend changing the font to something bolder. Also thinking the letters so they stand out more in contrast to the fishing poles. Possibly even move the letters to go over the top of the image of the crossing fishing poles to make the logo more dynamic. But overall I like the simplicity of your logo it just seems too soft at this point and would not necessarily catch my eye in a public setting.


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